PLR eBooks License Agreement

This done-for-you digital product grants full resell rights to the purchaser.

In purchasing a done-for-you product that comes with resell rights, you also get the freedom to modify, resell, and FULLY profit from this product, meaning you don’t owe anyone (including me!) a portion of your sales.

What you will find with this Guide is that not only did you purchase the Guide itself, but you also were granted the Private Label Rights for it (not to be confused with Master Resell Rights or just Re-SALE rights!), and the right to RE-SELL. PLR + Resell Rights = match made in heaven.

This means you are able to rename, rebrand, and totally change this product.

Make it your own! (PLEASE make it your own! STAND OUT!) This is something that will help so many people be able to create a digital product that they’re proud of and that will SELL.

I’m so excited for you to be able to expand your digital offerings with this product. No need to give me or anyone else any credit, you are able to claim full authorship. As I said before, please make it TOTALLY your own.

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